Friday, 13 May 2016

Shortcut to multiply any 2 digit number by 11

 Multiplying any 2 digit number by 11 is the easiest when you know this trick.

Let us now quickly go through the steps
Step 1: Enter the unit’s place digit as it is. This will be the last digit of your answer.

Step 2: Enter the ten’s place digit leaving a blank in between for the middle digit.

Step 3: To find the middle digit, add unit’s place digit and ten’s place digit and input the digit in the blank.
NOTE: On adding if you arrive at a 2 digit number then, input only the unit’s place of the middle digit in the blank and add the ten’s place digit of the middle digit to the original ten’s place digit of the number.

Let me explain with an example to make it easy to understand

Example 1: 42 X 11
Step 1: Here the unit’s place digit is 2 which we will enter as it is i.e 2

Step 2: Here the ten’s place digit is 4, so we input it as follows leaving a blank between the unit’s place digit and the ten’s place digit for the middle digit.

Step 3: Now, By adding unit’s place digit and ten’s place digit (4+2=6)we get the middle digit as 6 which we shall enter in the blank as follows.

Ans : 42x11=462

Back to multiplication tricks

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